Bethan James

Bethan James is a former book publicist who grew up in South Wales, and she received an Arts Council England grant to write her speculative historical crime novel. Her work is shortlisted for the 2022 Rhys Davies Short Story Award. In 2021, Bethan was selected for the United Nations’ global feminist fairy tale retellings anthology ‘Awake Not Sleeping’, and she was a winner in Neil Gaiman’s Fables for a Modern World contest. Her published work includes Royal Society of Literature and Litro Magazine. Other achievements: shortlisted for the Bristol Short Story Prize and the Benjamin Franklin Literary Prize; finalist in the London Book Fair Trailblazer Award; and New Writing South’s New Buds Award winner.
Bethan is a member of the Sherlock Holmes Society of London and she studied English & Philosophy at the University of Southampton. An identical twin, she’s fuelled by copious amounts of Earl Grey tea and Gothic stories.