Michael Handrick

Agent: Abi Fellows

Michael Handrick is the author of Difference is Born on the Lips, part-memoir, part-exposé exploring the domestic abuse and mental health crises in the gay community. His work has been shortlisted for Penguin Random House’s WriteNow 2020 and Kit de Waal’s anthology, Common People, and longlisted for the London Writers Awards (2019).

​In 2013, aged 23, he was invited to present his academic thesis on gender and sexuality at an international literary conference at Magdalen College, Oxford. He has had features and articles on culture, mental health, gender and sexuality published by magazines such as Attitude, PYLOT and Openly. His fiction pieces have been published in anthologies such as Litro, and shortlisted and longlisted for various competitions including the Creative Future Literary Awards (2018, 2020).