A Masterpiece of Corruption

  • Historical; Mystery

  • January 2016

    • UK & Commonwealth: Constable & Robinson

    • ​USA: Felony & Mayhem Press

John Grey Series Book 2

It is December 1657. John Grey, at his cramped desk in Lincoln's Inn, is attempting to resume his legal career. A mysterious message from a 'Mr SK' tempts him out into the snowy streets of London and to what he believes will be a harmless diversion from his studies. 

Mr SK's letter proves to have been intended for somebody else entirely and Grey finds himself unwittingly in the middle of a plot to assassinate the Lord Protector - a plot about which he now knows more than it is safe to know. Can he both prevent the murder and (of greater immediate relevance) save his own skin? Both the Sealed Knot and Cromwell's Secretary of State, John Thurloe believe he is on their side, but he is unsure that either is on his. As somebody is kind enough to point out to him: 'You are a brave man, Grey. The life of a double agent can be exciting but very short.' 

Grey just has to hope that prediction is wrong.

Selected Praise

Witty and amazing. L.C. Tyler has a wicked sense of humour!
— ​M.C. Beaton
Get this marvellous book, by hook or by crook, because it’ll be one of the best you read this year.
— Ministry for Culture

Other books by L. C. Tyler

  • Farewell My Herring (Elsie & Ethelred 9), April 2021

    The Maltese Herring (Elsie & Ethelred 8), July 2019

    Herring in the Smoke (Elsie & Ethelred 7), June 2017

    Cat Among the Herrings (Elsie & Ethelred 6), February 2016

    Crooked Herring (Elsie & Ethelred 5), May 2015

    Herring On the Nile (Elsie & Ethelred 4), January 2016

    The Herring in the Library (Elsie & Ethelred 3), January 2016

    Ten Little Herrings (Elsie & Ethelred 2), May 2015

    The Herring Seller's Apprentice (Elsie & Ethelred 1), May 2015